On Wednesday afternoon students will travel to Innsbruck by train, where the summer school will conclude on Friday, September 13, 2024. Train tickets need to be organized and paid individually. There are two options to travel, ÖBB or Westbahn. Please note that the ÖBB leaves from Wien Hauptbahnhof, whereas the Westbahn leaves from Wien Westbahnhof.

Venue Vienna

The course days in Vienna will be held at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna (Ernst Mach Lecture Hall, 2nd floor, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna).

Accomodation is booked at the Vienna Youth Hostel Brigittenau in double rooms (Adalbert-Stifter-Str. 73, 1200 Vienna) from Sunday to Wednesday, September 08 - 11, 2024. Feel free to agree on sharing a double room with a fellow student and let the youth hostel know at arrival.

To get to the course location, please get on tram no. 33, direction “Wien Maroltingergasse”. The stop is located just opposite the Youth Hostel (stop “Friedrich-Engels-Platz”). Get off at stop “Spitalgasse”.

Venue Innsbruck

The course days in Innsbruck will be held at the IQOQI Innsbruck located at the Technik Campus in Innsbruck in the ICT building (Technikerstr. 21a, 6020 Innsbruck).

Accomodation is booked at the Jugendherberge Innsbruck in 6-bed rooms (Reichenauer Str. 147, 6020 Innsbruck) from Wednesday to Friday, September 11 - 13, 2024. Feel free to arrange on sharing one of the rooms with fellow students and let the youth hostel know at arrival. At the youth hostel you will also get your Welcome Card which includes the use of public transport during your stay in Innsbruck.

To get to the institute, please get on the tram no. 2 or no. 5 – the tram station is located directly in front of the youth hostel – and exit at “Innsbruck Technik”.