The course "IQOQI Summer School 2024" is organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW).

1. Registration and invoicing

For registering for the course "IQOQI Summer School 2024" the registration system on the course website ( shall be used. Once completed and sent registration is binding. By registering, the participant accepts these terms and conditions. Should individual provisions of these GTC contradict mandatory statutory provisions (in particular the provisions of the Austrian Consumer Protection Act), the remaining provisions of these GTC shall still remain valid.

The personal information and contact details provided during registration must be correct and up-to-date, changes must be reported to the OeAW immediately (preferably by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

After registration, the participant will receive a registration confirmation and an invoice by e-mail.

2. Payment

The fees must be paid upon receipt of the invoice within the payment period specified therein. Course participation is only possible after receipt of payment.

3. Right of withdrawal and cancellation of participation by the registered person

Cancellation or withdrawal of participation must be communicated to the OeAW in writing (preferably informally by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or using the withdrawal form in Appendix I).

Cancellation is possible up to 5 days after registration. The day on which the cancellation is received by the OeAW applies. Cancellations made after 5 days of registration will be subject to a cancellation fee of 100% of the invoice amount. In the event of a cancellation after the course has started a refund of the coure fee is not possible.

The cancellation fee is not due if the institution nominates a substitute for the “IQOQI Summer School 2024” instead of the registrant who is unable to attend. This must be done by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In this case, the fee already paid can be transferred to the replacement person without a cancellation fee. Any remaining amount billed must be paid in full and immediately.

Participants, who are consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, may withdraw within 14 days of the registration date without giving reasons, but only before the start of the event. Fees already paid will be refunded to the participant. The declaration of withdrawal needs to be sent within the 14-day period.

4. Data protection

Participant data will be processed and stored by the OeAW in accordance with the European GDPR. The privacy policy for the course “IQOQI Summer School 2024” applies and is available for inspection at

5. Liability, change of event format, event cancellation and termination

The OeAW assumes no liability for changes or cancellations of the program. If individual program items deviate from the program announcements, the OeAW assumes no liability for this. Reimbursement for expenses incurred and other claims against the OeAW cannot be derived from this. The same applies to postponements necessary at short notice.

The OeAW shall only be liable for damages caused by intent and gross negligence, with the exception of damage to persons. The existence of slight or gross negligence must be proven by the injured party, unless it is a consumer transaction. Compensation for consequential damage and pure financial loss is excluded in its entirety vis-à-vis entrepreneurs. No liability is assumed for the formal or content-related accuracy of the information in the event documents.

In case the course “IQOQI Summer School 2024” has to be cancelled, any fees already paid will be refunded, minus any credit card fees incurred. The OeAW generally accepts no liability for any additional costs incurred by the participant.

Should it be unavoidable to cancel a course that has already begun, the fees can only be refunded on a pro rata basis.

6. General

Austrian law applies. The place of jurisdiction is Vienna.



Information on exercising the right of withdrawal for consumers

A. Cancellation Policy


If you are a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving reasons.

The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the date of filing.

In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by means of an unequivocal statement (e.g. letter sent by post or e-mail). You can use the attached model withdrawal form for this, but it is not mandatory.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

Consequences of revocation

If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse you all payments we have received from you without undue delay and no later than fourteen days from the day on which we receive the notification of your withdrawal from this contract. For this refund, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed with you; in no case will you be charged any fees for this repayment.

B. Sample withdrawal form

(If you want to withdraw from the contract, you can send us an informal e-mail or fill out this form and send it back to us)

At IQOQI Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 21a
6020 Innsbruck
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for participation in the conference "International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information".

Registered on
Name of consumer(s):
Address of the consumer(s)
Signature of the consumer(s)

Jointly organized by 
IQOQI Innsbruck and IQOQI Vienna

Institute for Quantum Optics and
Quantum Information
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

IQOQI Innsbruck

Technikerstraße 21a
6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Phone +43 512 507 47100
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IQOQI Vienna

Boltzmanngasse 3
1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone +43 1 51581-9500
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